WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO by Woobewoo (v2.0.0)

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WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO is a premium WordPress plugin developed by Woobewoo that enables you to offer multiple currencies on your WooCommerce store and allow customers to switch between them effortlessly. This powerful plugin enhances the international shopping experience by providing users with the flexibility to view product prices, place orders, and complete transactions in their preferred currency. With support for automatic currency conversion, customizable exchange rates, and advanced features, WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO helps you cater to a global audience and increase sales across different regions and markets.

Key Features:

1. Multi-Currency Support:

  • Currency Selection: Allow customers to choose from a wide range of currencies supported by WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO, including major world currencies, cryptocurrencies, and custom currencies.
  • Automatic Detection: Automatically detect users' geographical locations and display prices in their local currency based on IP address or browser settings, providing a personalized shopping experience.

2. Customizable Exchange Rates:

  • Real-Time Rates: Fetch real-time exchange rates from leading financial data providers such as Open Exchange Rates, CurrencyLayer, or custom sources to ensure accurate and up-to-date currency conversions.
  • Custom Rates: Set custom exchange rates manually or define rules for automatic rate adjustments based on predefined criteria such as margin, rounding, or minimum/maximum values.

3. Flexible Display Options:

  • Price Formatting: Customize the display format of prices and currency symbols to match your store's design and branding, including options for decimal separators, thousand separators, and currency position.
  • Currency Switcher Widget: Add a currency switcher widget to your website's sidebar, header, footer, or any other widgetized area to allow users to select their preferred currency from a dropdown menu or flags.

4. GeoIP Integration:

  • Geolocation Services: Integrate with GeoIP services or databases to detect users' geographic locations accurately and automatically adjust currency settings based on their country or region.
  • Fallback Mechanism: Implement a fallback mechanism to handle cases where geolocation fails or users' locations cannot be determined, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for all customers.

5. Compatibility and Performance:

  • WooCommerce Compatibility: Ensure full compatibility with WooCommerce core functionality, including product pricing, checkout process, order management, and payment gateways, for smooth integration and operation.
  • Optimized Performance: Optimize plugin performance and minimize server load by caching currency conversion data, using asynchronous updates, and implementing efficient caching mechanisms.

Why Choose WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO:

  • Global Reach: WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO allows you to expand your reach and attract customers from around the world by offering multiple currencies and supporting international transactions.
  • User-Friendly Experience: With its intuitive currency selection interface, customizable display options, and automatic geolocation detection, WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO provides users with a seamless and user-friendly shopping experience.
  • Accurate Currency Conversion: By utilizing real-time exchange rates and customizable conversion rules, WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO ensures accurate and reliable currency conversions, enabling customers to shop with confidence.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Whether you're catering to a specific market segment, targeting international audiences, or running global marketing campaigns, WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO offers the flexibility and customization options you need to meet your business requirements.


WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO v2.0.0 by Woobewoo is a comprehensive currency switching solution for WooCommerce stores that empowers you to offer multiple currencies and provide customers with a personalized and localized shopping experience. With its support for customizable exchange rates, automatic geolocation detection, and flexible display options, WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO enables you to optimize your store for global sales and increase conversions across different regions and markets. Whether you're a small e-commerce business or a large enterprise, WooCommerce Currency Switcher PRO is the ideal choice for expanding your reach, enhancing user experience, and maximizing revenue opportunities in the global marketplace.


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