WooThumbs (v5.7.0) WooCommerce Variation Images [by Iconic] Activated

Well, you could put a video somewhere on your product page, but what are the chances your customer will actually see it? You could add more images, but it might get confusing seeing images which aren’t relevant to the selected variation.

WooThumbs (v5.7.0) - WooCommerce Variation Images [by Iconic] (Activated)


WooThumbs is a powerful WooCommerce plugin developed by IconicWP that enhances the product image gallery functionality of WooCommerce stores. With WooThumbs, you can create stunning and interactive product image galleries that showcase your products in the best possible light. This premium plugin allows you to display multiple images, videos, and variations for each product, providing customers with a rich and engaging shopping experience.

Key Features:

1. Enhanced Product Image Galleries:

  • Multiple Images: Display multiple images for each product, allowing customers to view products from different angles and perspectives.
  • Image Zoom: Enable image zoom functionality to allow customers to zoom in on product images for a closer look at product details and features.
  • Full-Screen Gallery: Provide customers with a full-screen gallery view option, allowing them to view product images in high resolution and detail.
  • Image Slider: Include an image slider or carousel within the product gallery to showcase product images in a dynamic and interactive format.

2. Video Support:

  • Embed Videos: Embed product videos within the image gallery to provide customers with additional visual content and product information.
  • YouTube Integration: Easily integrate YouTube videos into the product gallery, allowing customers to watch product demos, tutorials, and reviews directly from the product page.

3. Variation Images:

  • Dynamic Variation Swatches: Display variation images for product attributes such as color, size, and style, allowing customers to see how different variations look before making a purchase.
  • Thumbnail Navigation: Provide thumbnail navigation for variation images, allowing customers to easily switch between different product variations and view corresponding images.

4. Customization Options:

  • Custom Layouts: Customize the layout and design of the product image gallery to match your store's branding and design aesthetic.
  • Image Size and Aspect Ratio: Adjust the size and aspect ratio of product images to ensure consistency and visual appeal across different devices and screen sizes.
  • Hover Effects: Add hover effects to product images to create interactive and engaging visual experiences for customers.

5. Performance Optimization:

  • Lazy Loading: Implement lazy loading for product images to improve page loading times and optimize website performance, particularly for stores with large product catalogs.
  • Image Compression: Optimize image compression and file sizes to reduce bandwidth usage and improve website speed and performance.
  • Caching Support: Support caching mechanisms and optimization techniques to enhance the overall performance and responsiveness of the product image gallery.

Why Choose WooThumbs:

  • Enhanced Product Presentation: WooThumbs allows you to create visually stunning and interactive product image galleries that showcase your products in the best possible light, helping to attract and engage customers.
  • Improved User Experience: Provide customers with a rich and immersive shopping experience by offering multiple images, videos, and variation images for each product, allowing them to make informed purchasing decisions.
  • Increased Sales: Enhance product visibility and conversion rates by presenting products in a visually appealing and engaging manner, encouraging customers to explore and purchase more products.
  • Customization and Flexibility: With customizable layouts, image sizes, and hover effects, WooThumbs gives you the flexibility to create unique and engaging product galleries that reflect your brand identity and design preferences.


WooThumbs v5.7.0 by IconicWP is the ultimate solution for WooCommerce stores looking to elevate their product image galleries and provide customers with an immersive and engaging shopping experience. With its advanced features, customization options, and performance optimization techniques, WooThumbs empowers you to create visually stunning and interactive product galleries that drive sales, enhance user experience, and differentiate your store from the competition,

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